
Epicurus's Accomplishments

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In 341 B.C., during the time age of the Hellenistic philosophy, Athenian parents gave birth to a son named Epicurus. As he grew up, historians say Epicurus may have moved to the island of Samos, but soon Epicurus decided to leave for Colophon in Asia Minor where he began developing an interest in Democritus’ philosophy. While spending time in that study, he began to find others that were interested in the studies of Democritus and used them to help begin in his teachings and to show his ability in forming a community of disciples and students. Years past while in Colophon, and in 307 B.C. Epicurus returned to Athens and stayed until he his last breath. While living in Athens, he began to form another community outside the city in a place …show more content…

When someone, commonly other philosophers, tried to prove his philosophy wrong, he was said to have “come down heavy... because he had little use for traditional knowledge and culture.” All other philosophies of reality were inaccurate to him. The only way for him to approve one’s philosophy was through the study of nature because he believed only the human knowledge and understanding of the physical life allowed freedom from unfounded fears and gave peace to those who were in search of …show more content…

Through the pain of having multiple kidney stones, leading to death because of the inability to urinate for fourteen days, Epicurus stayed calm, kept his composure, and had an evenness of temper during the excruciating pain. Warren quoted D.L. 10.15-16, where Epicurus is recorded being in a bronze bath filled with hot water, asking for a cup of unmixed wine and quaffing it down during his time of death. Though he was in pain, Epicurus did not take the fear of death. Which lead to helping support the belief that pleasure is found in being free from physical pain and an unrested soul. Through his time of death, the lifestyle and philosophy that Epicurious carried became an inspiration toward those who followed under his

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