The Kantian Appropriate In Kant's Epistemology

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There are many questions evolving around epistemology. The more common questions ask: do we have any knowledge? If so, how? To this day there is no exact and certain answer. Everyone must have questioned at least once in their lives, that how has knowledge come to be? Many things are taught to children from a young age, schools have a curriculum to follow, but how do we know if it is right? There are over dozens of questions that can be asked. Epistemology is intriguing and very interesting because it is so controversial. On the other hand, skepticism objects, everything epistemology stands for; it is the view that we have a shortage knowledge. This paper will discuss the Kantian compromise in further detail and will present arguments for and …show more content…

His epistemology is a proper balance of both empiricism and rationalism. He agrees with empiricism that knowledge is originated from experience. On the other hand, he agrees with rationalism by stating that knowledge comes from reason. He found an issue believed the two theories separately, but when some parts are combined Kant produces a new theory. Kant altercates that two sorts of knowledge exist. Some knowledge is acquired from experience and the other is a priori. This is known as the Kantian compromise. The arguments for this theory are the following:
P1: A synthetic priori is possible
P2: Mathematics and science provide imperative knowledge about the universe.
C: therefore, some error exists in empiricism and …show more content…

“The mind of the knower makes an active contribution to experience of objects before us” (McCormick). There cannot be knowledge beyond the empirical. Kant believes it is possible because every cause has an effect and the knowledge gathered by reasoning. P2 is correct because math and science give general knowledge about the world because it has been taught and instilled in individuals how it all works, for the most part. It shapes the view of a person and gives a deeper insight about the world. Science and math are a priori. The research’s conducted on these from before, help shape the future. P3 is correct because empiricists see the mind as an absorber of information, Kant disagrees and says that the mind shapes experiences into objects that an individual knows a priori. Empiricism believes that it is not possible to observe directly based off little to no observations. Therefore, empiricism leads into