Equality Act 2010 Essay

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The Equality Act 2010 protects the people legally from workplace discrimination and discrimination in wider society. In context of workplaces, this Act has certain provisions like allowing people to make claims for direct gender pay discrimination where there is no actual comparator, introducing new powers for employment tribunals to make such recommendations that are of benefit to the wider workforce (Government Equalities Office, 2013).

If the hospitality industry employee is provided with room and board and he works not more than 24 weeks in a calendar year, then the rule of overtime does not apply. The rule is applied only if employee is put on the job by the hotel owner or operator. Overtime rules can be looked upon in order to acknowledge and reward the employees judiciously and fairly (Ontario ministry of Labour, 2011). Sectoral Determination for the Hospitality Sector Act also lays down the amount of minimum wage that is mandatory for the hotels to pay the employees. The provisions of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997 will also apply to all the employees who are covered by the Sectoral Determination Act and their employers (Labour Department, Republic of South Africa, 2012).

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Training and development techniques and methods, employee commitment and introducing quality initiatives are often treated as a collection of the key HR techniques that are essential for high performance. Hotel industry in the UK is witness to the fact that the relationship between HRM and organizational performance is interdependent upon the business level strategy that the hotel is pursuing. Thus, in this way, Human Resource Management is more likely to contribute to competitive success of the organization (Cooke,