Equality's Perspective On Morality In Anthem By Ayn Rand

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Equality’s perspective on morality at the end of the novel and the society’s perspective are extremely different. One of the parts of objectivism is to choose for yourself what is right or wrong, and Equality shows thinking like that near the end of the book. The society throughout the novel wants everyone to just follow what the government says, making it very different than what Equality thinks at the end. The society practices severe communism principles, while Equality sees morality like objectivists. Equality, at the end of the novel, views morality as choosing what is right or wrong for yourself. The end of the book says, through Equality’s thoughts, that they will fight for the freedom of Man (Rand, Anthem 104). This shows how he wants to get away from what the society says by making life for how each man wants for himself. The novel mentions that Equality wants freedom from other men and give freedom to other men (Rand, Anthem 101-102). This shows how Equality wanted to be able to choose what he thinks of right and wrong for himself, by wanting to be free from the rules of society. The book shows Equality’s ethics of choosing what is right or wrong for yourself being very important. …show more content…

The book states, “’for men have no cause to exist save in toiling for other men’” (Rand, Anthem 74). This quote shows how the society thinks men should only be doing things that will help the society and nothing for yourself. When Equality tried to do something he thought would be the right thing, but was against society’s rules he had to go to the Palace of Corrective Detention to make him do only what society wanted (Rand, Anthem 63-64). This shows how the society will not let anyone do anything that is not what they think of as correct. Society’s opinion of morality is that everyone needs to only do what is right for the good of the