Equine Assisted Therapy Essay

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Equine Assisted Therapy
For decades, horses have been associated with knights in shining armor, and cowboys fighting the Indians on the great plains of the west. Horses have an outstanding ability to connect with people and naturally the humans will connect with the horse. Equine Assisted Therapy helps people with all different types of disabilities heal and overcome the everyday struggles they have in life.
Many people ask the question what exactly is the science behind equine assisted therapy and Trinity Equestrian explains “it’s about neurology and bio-physics, and how our brain is constantly communicating and with our body. The brain is always assessing its surroundings, adjusting and compensation pathways are impaired or change, creating …show more content…

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy is when people with mental health problems take part in equine related activities as part of the Psychotherapy session concluded by (Lynn, Kuropatkin,2013) Equine Assisted Therapy is better used to deal with trauma and loss, increase levels of trust establish boundaries and create awareness of the needs of living creatures through responsible care of the horse. Equine Assisted Therapy is used a lot with Veterans, many veterans take part in a program called Veteran Equine Transition therapy. The horses help the veterans escape the thoughts of war they have focus on and think about something else. Equine Assisted psychotherapy is very self-rewarding program and has a great outcome for those who go through the classes and learn to trust and listen to the horse. Horses are great companion animals and normally the mentally ill connect better with a horse than they will a human. In 2006 Pamela N. Schultz did a case study and stated that modality is designed to address self-esteem and personal confidence. She found that children with violent parents are at a much greater risk for mental health