Equity In Health Care Essay

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Equity is an important policy objective in almost every health care system. However, what is actually meant by equity might well differ across countries. The precise meaning and importance of it will depend on factors such as cultural beliefs and attitudes (Morris, Devlin, Parkin, p. 205, 2007).
Equity in the finance of health care has focused on whether there is vertical equity in the finance of health care. This considers the extent to which individuals with unequal ability to pay for health care make appropriately unequal payments. This is usually measured by the extent to which the health care financing system is progressive, regressive or proportional, which refers to whether payments for health care rise or fall as a proportion of income as income rises. This progressivity of health care financing systems is usually measured using progressivity indices (ibid, 2007). There is a tremendous disparity …show more content…

Global trade in health care is dominated by pharmaceuticals. However, the invisible trade in knowledge and health professionals has the largest effect on national health care systems (Op. cit, 2007).
Morris, Devlin & Parkin and Getzen almost have same ideas pertaining to health economics. They both emphasize the importance of cost-benefit analysis and cost-efficiency analysis. Health is one of the most important aspects in our quality life. This is the signal of a good condition in our environment and economy. With good and healthy people shows good economy.
The journals all emphasize the importance of hospitals and the healthcare system not only in the health aspect but also economic aspect. Billions and billions of dollars come into the economy of a country just from the hospital and health care system. It also provides indirect jobs like construction and clerk.
This just shows that the health care system is a vital part of the economy; the society cannot go by without the existence of

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