What is Ergonomics?
Simply put, Ergonomics is fitting the task to the person. Too often employees perform job tasks that expose them to potential injuries and illnesses due to the poor design of a workstation or tool they are using. Ergonomics involves the assessment of job tasks to identify ergonomic risk factors and appropriate engineering or work practice controls to reduce or eliminate the identified risk factors. Generally, ergonomic changes are made to improve the fit between the demands of the job tasks and the capabilities of the employees.
What are Ergonomic Risk Factors?
Ergonomic risk factors are characteristics of a job that contribute to the creation of ergonomic stress on the body. Risk factors are present at varying levels
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Auxiliary aids, services and other reasonable accommodations are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. CONSTRUCTION SAFETY AND HEALTH DIVISION LANSING, MI 48909-8145· P.O. BOX 30645 ·530 WEST ALLEGAN STREET OVERNIGHT MAIL ADDRESS: 525 WEST ALLEGAN STREET, LANSING, MI 48933 517-284-7680·www.michigan.gov/miosha (Revised 08/24/2015) CSH Fact Sheet - #027 one occupational physician or group that is familiar with your work operation. Refer all employees who have suspected workplace WMSDs to this physician or group for appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
How Do I Control Ergonomic Hazards?
There are simple things that employers can implement and workers can do to reduce ergonomic stress, such as:
• Use a buddy system or the proper lifting device to carry heavy loads. To the extent feasible, use your legs to push up and lift the load, not the upper body or back. Do not twist the body during a lift - step to one side or the other to turn.
• Design work activities so employees do not have to work on their knees. If the job requires it, use knee pads.
• Avoid repeatedly twisting the hands and wrists. Provide proper hand tools that are designed to keep the hand and wrist in a comfortable, neutral