Eric Birling In J. B. Priestley's An Inspector Calls

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“An inspector calls” Eric Birling - development throughout the play

Eric Birling is one of the main characters in J.B. Priestley’s play “An inspector calls”. He is the son of the wealthy capitalist Arthur Birling and works at his factory “Birling and Co”

Early on in the play we get to know Eric’s character better. He is a rather naive and shy young man who has been having drinking problems for two years. We realise this when he is first introduced in the opening stage directions : he is “ quite not at ease”, “half shy/ half assertive”. The use of this oxymoron suggests that he is clearly feeling uncomfortable in a way. He also could be drunk at the beginning as “he suddenly guffaws” for no reason. …show more content…

At the start of the play he is just like the others - abusing his power over a working class girl. He says:” I was in that state when a chap easily turns nasty .“ Also, in act 3, when being asked by inspector Goole, he describes Eva as a “good sport” which makes their brief relationship seems a childish game. His immaturity affects not only the lower class girl but also his family. On his sister’s engagement night he desperately seeks attention from everyone in the room. His behaving could indicate that he is actually not being part of the “real