Ernest Hemingway A Feminist Or Anti Feminist

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At first, Feminism starts with the feminist movement which is activated ecumenically in the 1960 's, and it is one of thoughts which has been actively discussed and studied in not only the field of literature but all kinds of field. Therefore, a lot of critics such as Elaine Showalter(1977), Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar (1984) analyze many works of various writers from the feminist point of view, and according to the thought of theirs, many writers are accounted as the feminist or the anti-feminist. However, as each individual has own values, the female character can be described differently for views. In other words, female characters from male 's point of view can be different from female characters from female 's view. Furthermore, those critics cannot define some works as feminist or anti-feminist literature according to the vague standards of feminism. As many know, feminism is relatively difficult to define. Because feminism has a wide diversity of views and some vigorous debates, and it is also frequently satirized by the anti-feminist. Among many literary works, Ernest Hemingway and Virginia Woolf 's works have been being brought up in the field of literature as feminist and anti-feminist works by a lot of critics. Roger Whitlow(1984, p.13) wrote his book, Cassandra 's Daughters: The Women in Hemingway to demonstrate that the negative criticism by some opponents, such as Edmund Wilson (1947) and Philip Young (1952) about the female characters in Ernest Hemingway 's