Virginia Woolf's Own: The Dualities Of Gender And Literature

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Essay 2
Dr. Jordan
The Dualities of Gender and Literature Woolf takes us through several streams of consciousness, through fiction, through history, and through her own thoughts and experiences. She explores the differences between men’s spaces and women’s spaces by examining two made up colleges, one a men’s college and one a women’s, and what these two colleges do for her as a writer. As she’s exploring these ideas she is careful to never say that one sex is better than the other. However, she does show that women are, despite being equal, inferior.
Throughout history up until her time women are property of someone else or treated like incomplete people and the impacts of this kind of treatment ripple through time and do not leave just because women have their own college. The long hammered in the idea that women are less than will not go away until women are able to make their own history and have their own voices heard for generations. Woof’s exploration of this idea is vital for other women finding their own voices. Every moment a woman puts her ideas out into the world with her name on it and her ideas boldly thrust through, the anthology and history of …show more content…

Adding to the ever growing library of women, Virginia Woolf used her unique stream of consciousness style of writing to convey new ideas about gender roles and gender identity, paving the way for more women to find rooms of their own. One can only hope to influence generations of people with one’s writing, bringing about new conversations and ways of communicating. Eventually, Virginia Woolf committed suicide, ending her highly original career and perhaps echoing a point she makes in her own essay, “To have lived a free life in London in the sixteenth century would have meant for a woman who was a poet and playwright a nervous stress and dilemma which might well have killed her”