Essay About College Admission

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In my family, college was not the a topic that was discussed at the dinner table. The highest education that my parents recieved was high school, and they knew little about college. My parents did not know much about financial aid, or any other sources to pay for college. Not to mention, my high school counselor did not tell me about the process of going to college, and my older siblings had no interest of attending college. Ultimately, I was lost and had no plans of going to college. However, when my best friend was telling me about her brother Christian 's experience of going to college, I became more interested and wanted to know more about college. As a result, Christian became my mentor. He told me all there was to know about college, …show more content…

When I first attended Community College of Philadelphia, I was indecisive. At first, nursing seemed like my best fit. Nursing seemed like my best choice, because I enjoy helping others, wanted to be a social change agent, and make a positive difference in one 's life. Growing up, I spent a lot of my time in and out of hospitals, due to asthma. Observing and meeting people with similar experiences made me reevaluate and reconsider nursing as a major. I choose to major in Biology because it is a broad field, and offers a wide range of careers. Also, a concentration in Biology will allow me to help others, give me the knowledge and research to help others with asthma , and persons who have other medical conditions. Majoring in Biology will not only help me better human life, but also enhance animal life, and the environment. I want to go become a student at West Chester because I love the student life. After staying, three days with a friend a West Chester campus I felt like West Chester was he school for me. Not to mention, West Chester was not too far from where I lived, and I discovered that the tuition was affordable.Furthermore, at West Chester University I hope to continue to grow professionally and personally, and hope to achieve a Bachelor 's degree in Science to help others across the