
Essay About Moving To America

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While I was growing up in Jhapa, Nepal, I have never imagined myself coming to America. In 2007, my family started the process to come to the US. It took us less than a year and in 2008, we left our country behind for America. Leaving my country, my people, and my friends that I grew up with, and place that I was born and raised in was heartbreakingly sorrowful. I have never imagined in my life that I will one day leave this place. Different feelings started to come in my mind as I had to leave seeing those pitiful faces of my neighbors and friends. It was sincerely the saddest moment in my life. So, after more than 13 hours of flight and with various stops in between, we finally landed on this great country America. It was absolutely distinctive …show more content…

Ever since we moved here, I knew my family had to struggle more for every penny. After staying at my uncle’s house for a month, we found an apartment and also my mom found a job at a cosmetic factory known as Autumn Harp. I began to go to Edmunds Middle School until then I was having a rough time to understand the language. But I am so grateful to those teachers, who were concerned about me during my inconvenient times and never discouraged to have faith in me. They believed that I could speak English and do well. I used to feel dreadful for myself because of my broken English but realized that speaking another language is a talent. Along with English, I speak two more languages Nepali, which is my mother tongue and Hindi, which is kind of similar to my mother tongue. Although I could not understand English that well during my middle school, but I managed to graduate from the middle school and moved to high school.
In 2011, I began going to Burlington High School. During the first day, I got lost while searching for one of my classes, I was so petrified but I coped with it. While roaming around in the hallway, I was so pleased that I found a Nepali friend and she took me to the class. I knew that high school would be much tougher than the middle school, so I appeared to focus more on my education. I stayed after school to get help from the tutors on my assignments. If not homework,

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