Essay About Nigga

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The word nigga comes from the word nigger that means black or ignorant person. This is a term originated in the old American south. It was most popularly said by white racism. Due to their southern accent negro came out sounding as “nigger”. The word nigga is mainly used among african american but other ethnicities use it as a friendly word in a way of addressing someone. For example “ wassup nigga” or “ my nigga”. It is also very popular in the rap industry. However it can be taken very offensive when used outside. By the early 1800s during the atlantic slave trade it was established as a derogatory term. A derogatory term is a term of abuse, the word nigga is used as a derogatory term because it usually wasn’t said unless intended to insult …show more content…

The problem with the word nigga is it root coming from nigger which comes off harsh. “ You can’t just change a negative word to a positive word by changing the meaning”. The roots of the word still stand like the roots of a tree. People believe the word should not be used by the black descents let alone another ethnicity. Someone who doesn 't evolve around the suffering pertaining to it. Some might say they earned the usage because of their slavery, oppression, racism or what their ancestors have been through. Or they feel they have the right to tell someone “ you cant say nigga because you 're not black”. Some people tend to defend the word by associating it with nigger vs nigga but in reality they have the same root and have the same historical background. Plus there has been many cases where racist people have used the term “nigga” as a racict attack against black people. Editor Chiaku Hanson believes it is a “bad word” she says “if a word can 't be used in court it’s more than likely a bad word.” weather the word is used as a noun, verb, or adjective it’s labeled the stereotype of a lazy, stupid, dirty, worthless