There are hundreds of ethnic slurs that exist today ranging from A to Z. A racial or ethnic slur is a disrespectful or mocking expression for a person or group of same race or ethnicity. Racial slurs have been around for centuries, and hate speeches for almost as long. Hate speeches are commonly used to show animosity towards a group. Not only should hate speeches and racial slurs stop being used, but they should be illegal too. Slurs are derogatory and offensive to everybody. The first use of the “n” word was recorded in 1587. The word is derived from the Latin word niger or nigreos, the Spanish and Portuguese word negro, and the French word négre, all meaning black. Everyone has heard the saying ‘Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me’ this saying is false. The “n” word has been used to offend black people during …show more content…
And this is true as is stated in the 1st Amendment of the Constitution however, this is only the case in some countries besides the United States. Unlike the United States, countries including Sweden, Ireland, the United Kingdom and India have laws or restrictions on hate speeches and derogatory terms. The lack of restrictions on derogatory terms in the United States causes for people to openly offend others without any repercussions. If a person is allowed to openly use racial terms or hate speeches, then you give them the power to continue to hurt others. Although the use of hate speeches and slurs don’t constitute a physical threat most times, it does constitute an emotional or mental threat. Suicidal thoughts among young minorities are very high due to racial experiences. In a recent state survey, 16% of black student in Wisconsin attempted suicide 2015 compared to 4% of white students. Studies show that chronic stress from racism can cause health problems ranging from depression to heart