Essay About Robots

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For most people robots have become a big improvement for our lives.They have improved over time since we have greater technology then we did in the 1900’s. Robots have helped us as humans tell time,farm,help with space exploration,and help with education. These robots have helped us evolve as human and helped us in creating objects. Others may call people who use them lazy but those robots are actually helping us with our future. These robots have helped us through so many struggles in life like telling time. Telling time was difficult back then the only thing we as humans of the 21 century is look at our phones or look at our watch. Back then it wasn't as simple as it is today they had to use the sun but as it states in the passage “Robots Long Ago” the writes says that the Greek scientist named Ctesibius dreamed of making a clock and a …show more content…

Right now they're helping us with space and underwater exploration. If it wasn't for them we wouldn't have found everything that's important in space or we wouldn't be able to see Mars if it wasn't for the Mars Rover which is a robot that humans can control at NASA because humans cannot go to space Mars yet. These robots have helped us so much with all of the explorations as it says in the essay “Robots on the Moon” by Susan Calvin that they can help almost all of the discoverys for humans in space. It also says that without robots help the trip to the moon would have been impossible because of temperatures on the moon since they go up as high as 387 degrees below zero Fahrenheit at night and 253 degrees Fahrenheit during the day. With these robots help they are giving school childrens options to control the robot in space if they have a interest in the moon. For this to work the user of the robot will have a headset that is connected to the robot so that means they can control something in space without leaving their couch on