Summary Of Is Google Making USupid By Nicholas Carr

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In the article” Is Google Making Us Stupid”, Nicholas Carr is trying focus on the audience to capture the audience attention. Also the internet is making people mentally handicapped. People are becoming lazy. Instead of analyzing the book to answer the question, people are typing the questions in on the internet to get the answers the lazy way. People’s brains are negatively affected. The brain will become a greater learner by the things we discover every day. Carr provides examples of the authors in the article.

He identifies with the computer in the scene rather than the robotic human and seems to suggest that internet is going to cause us to become more machine-like than machines themselves. How their minds were before and after, how they would for hours but now they cannot. People become lazy and things are just a click away now these days. Not everything on the internet is true, people make their own selves stupid because of their actions. The lack of desire that hits them that makes people so called stupid.

A Space Odyssey scene he used to open the article. He identifies with the computer in the scene rather than the robotic human and seems to suggest that internet is going to cause us to become more machine-like than machines themselves. A human is malleable, by being changed …show more content…

He introduces a concept called “intellectual technologies” meaning that we essentially embody the technology we possess. Carr uses the mechanical clock as an example of this by saying, The attention is then turned to Google. The creators admit to desiring to devise something just “as smart as people—or smarter.” The developers believe that they are genuinely working on solving the currently unsolvable–artificial intelligence on a gigantic scale. Carr makes a point to mention that the fact they say humans would be “better off” is worrisome. He concludes