Essay Chapter 5 Test Your Understanding

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1. Chapter 5 Test Your Understanding – 1 a, c, d, g, i and j
a. Various AAA access control are Authentication, Authorization, Auditing.
b. Four bases of authentication credentials are Identifying what is being known by the user password or any private key for authentication. Identifying what the user has either a physical key or user have smart card
c. Two factor authentication process is two way of identification is required. One is basically the password and other is something which is being memorized such as mobile number or any other details. With the help of two-factor authentication process, breach in the security can be avoided. The promise of two-factor authentication process is that it helps in strengthening the security.
d. RBAC …show more content…

RBAC is less expensive in comparison to the access control based on individual accounts due to less number of assignments required in case of RBAC in comparison to the access control based on the individual account.
2. Chapter 5 Test Your Understanding – 9 a
a. Passwords are liable to be eliminated in the genuinely not so distant future essentially in light of the fact that they are such a critical shortcoming. Password splitting has gotten simpler and speedier, and users are restricted in their capacity to handle positively strong passwords.
3. Chapter 5 Test Your Understanding – 30 a, c, e and, h
a. The products of Microsoft are used in corporations. Active Directory is the Microsoft directory server
b. Domain is the smallest organizational unit in active directory
c. Domain controller controls the resources in the domain. It handles the authentication and active directory searches in the domain
d. The advantage of having multiple domain controllers is that it provides high reliability. If in a situation one controller fails, the system can effectively switch to another domain controller
e. The replication among the domain controllers within a single active directory is complete. This means all the domain controllers share the same data and hence they can take over each other in case of a

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