
Essay Compare And Contrast Egypt And Mesopotamia

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Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt together emerged as major civilizations approximately between 3500 and 3000 BCE. Due to the geographical layout of these civilizations—Both were located in river valleys—agriculture was one of the key aspects as to why they experienced immense growth and began to increasingly populate the land. These societies permitted human beings, for the first time in their history, to settle in a single place and cultivate their own food supply rather of solely relying on often-dangerous wild animal food sources. It was this dependency on their geography to produce nourishment that eventually led to the creation of Ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian religions. Mesopotamia—which is today modern day Kuwait and Iraq—is meaningfully often denoted as “the cradle of civilization,” mostly due to the influential early city-states and kingdoms that first materialized in the region. In Ancient times Mesopotamia prominently served as the crossroads …show more content…

2018). Hammurabi was considered a proficient ruler, founding a consolidated bureaucracy with taxation. Hammurabi liberated Babylon from foreign rule and then occupied the entirety of Southern Mesopotamia, bringing stability and the designation of Babylonia to the land. One of the most significant works of this First Dynasty of Babylon was the composing in circa 1754 BCE of a code of laws, collectively known as the Code of Hammurabi, which reverberated and enhanced upon the initial inscribed laws of Sumer, Akkad, and Assyria (Soden et al. 2018). King Hammurabi wrote an outline to his list of laws, in that outline, he states that the laws were written to be fair. His purpose was “To cause justice to appear in the world, to destroy the evil and the wicked so that the strong should not oppress the weak, and to rise like Shamash to give light to the land. . .

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