
Essay Comparing Lorenzo's Oil And The Other Sister

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In both Lorenzo’s Oil and The Other Sister viewers are able to see the struggles that families go through dealing with a child with a disability. Watching the beginning of the diagnosis all the way to the end and how they cope with the situations they are faced with. There are similarities that can be seen throughout the movies as well as differences that the families must go through.
In Lorenzo’s Oil the first thing I noticed was how devastated the parents were throughout the whole movie. There was a different kind of devastation that each movies parents dealt with. Lorenzo’s family was told that Lorenzo would die within a few years, there was a rush to figure something out right away. Lorenzo’s situation was terminal and his parents wanted to spend every second they could with him. Whereas Carla’s parents sent her off for several years to a sheltered private school. Lorenzo’s parents were scrambling around to raise money while Carla’s parents had money to send her to a private school and later get her an apartment. …show more content…

Lorenzo’s family gain strength from the other families that they became so close with who lost their children. In The Other Sister, besides Daniel there was not any other children or families with children with disabilities. Carla’s mom always felt like a failure and this was because she didn’t have strong friends beside her that could share in her pains and struggles. When Carla acted up her mother was always embarrassed, she knew people were looking at her and her family and judging. Carla’s Mom would benefit from plugging in with other families that shared the same day to day

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