Essay Comparing Slaughterhouse Five And Life Of Pi

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Billy Pilgrim and Piscine Patel are two incredibly different people, who were both put in extreme situations out of their control. They both had to decide how much they wanted to live and how much they were willing to fight for it, but they ended up having very different ways of coping with and handling their respective conflicts. Despite the apparent similarities in their stories, Pi showed great willingness to fight for his survival, while Billy seemed to simply take things as they came. Despite being incredibly different stories, Slaughterhouse Five and the Life of Pi have many similarities in the way they play with the idea of what is real, and the possibility of the protagonists’ coming up with alternative, more unbelievable scenarios to justify what has happened to them as something aside from human cruelty. In both cases we are left wondering what really happened, thinking perhaps the conflicts they claim to have dealt with are really figments of their own mind that they’ve convinced themselves were real so they would have something to blame the nature of their problems on. In the case of Pi this …show more content…

He is made to fight for his life and survive under circumstances that no one ever had before. Throughout this, Pi shows an amazing level of strength and determination, while continuing to stay focused and determined to stay alive. Despite being just a teenager at the time he was able to take what he was given and use it to make it through times when he could have very well just given up and let himself die. Pi is a very faithful person and would often turn to the many gods he believed in, praying multiple times every day, and it was in a big part this dedication and belief that there was someone watching over him that kept his spirits

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