Essay For ASB President

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Hello my name is Mack Hatten and I am a junior and I am running for ASB president this next upcoming school year. My mission is to make this upcoming year one of the best and most memorable years yet at Decatur and to have an environment that is positive and inclusive to everyone. My plan as president for the next year is to make Decatur a school where everyone feels safe and welcomed. Making that environment for students & faculty will help Decatur connect to the community more by making it a place where it is okay to be yourself. I also want to make Decatur more spirited by doing more events that inspire the student body, like for example having a winter dance or a tolo, movie nights, field day, field trips, etc. But besides holding events …show more content…

That helps me being in my position because as the head of all the student body, I need to communicate with my other ASB counterparts but also voice opinions from the student body and be the voice to the faculty and district to let them know all the ideas and things our student body wants to do. Adding on, being vocal helps by spreading messages from Leadership to the Student Body if there is something coming up or if we need their feedback I can communicate with them to get the best possible decision. Another quality I have that I bring to the table is being able to listen as well. This helps me in the position of ASB President because as well as being vocal as the head of the school but I also know how to not be vocal all the time and just listen to others ideas and to get feedback and criticism openly. Furthermore, being able to listen I can understand the views of others and it gives me new perspectives and approaches on how to keep the school up & running as well as making the school year better. Finally one more quality I bring to ASB is that I am not afraid to ask for help if I need it. Having this quality helps by making it okay to be vulnerable and establishes trust between myself and leadership, myself and my other ASB counterparts, myself and faculty, and finally myself and the whole student body. Asking for help promotes cooperation between everyone & shows how important it is to not take it all on yourself and with all different parts especially for an event will help make everything better in the long