Essay On Abortion Pro Life

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"Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy,most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy" (Merriam Webster). Abortion is legal in most parts of the world,but is still a highly controversial subject. Although many believe abortion is the killing of a human being, which defies the word of God, abortion should be legal because "a woman's body belongs to herself so she should be free to do what she deems necessary for her body" (Sexinfoonline).

The choice to abort a fetus growing inside a woman's body should belong to only herself. (Prochoicearguments). Women should have the right to choose whether she will be the vessel for an unborn child for nine months, given the fact she would be the one going …show more content…

"Pregnancy related deaths have been on the rise since 1987" (Pappas.) The risk of dying during childbirth is fourteen times higher than dying during an abortion (sexinfoonline). In cases like ectopic pregnancies, preeclampsia, and gestational diabetes, an abortion can be one of the only ways to ensure the mother's life. In some instances like incest or rape, the mother can experience mental trauma (sexinfoonline). Roughly 9,000 rape victims become parents yearly (The Pro-Choice Argument.) The outcome, or the baby, itself could be a constant reminder of the trauma she underwent. Many pro life advocates believe abortions can result in mental health problems to the mother in forms of guilt or depression ( But even the guilt of abortion would not compare to the struggle the mother would experience for the next eighteen years ( Getting an abortion can also prevent the mother from financial disadvantage. Almost half of the women who receive abortions do not have the income to support the baby. Forty-two percent of women who receive abortions are below the poverty level ( Many people do not see abortion to be a form of birth control for the parents

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