Academic Literacy Essay

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To have an academic education is important in life, is the key to succeed in work, social life, in school, college, etc. The people who have the opportunity to go to school and learn how read, write, interpret, add, multiply, and others are privilege people; Since there is exist a lot of people who do not have the opportunity to earn an education. And even thought education starts at home is not the same as to be able to go to school and use all the materials that are available. Us the privileges of having the opportunity of going to a school, have learned all different types of literacy that can exist such as Academic Literacy, Technological Literacy, Work Place Literacy, and Social or Cultural Literacy, that had help us in our academic education and daily life.

Academic Literacy is understanding a range of academic vocabulary in context says Albert …show more content…

I usually go out with a group of friends from different countries, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Brazil and the Dominican Republic, we all immigrated to this country years ago so, English is our second language. Most us know Spanish but, because our Brazilian friend does not we usually talk in English. Sometimes we do not know how to say a work in English and we help each other and find out what the work is. We do not judge each other, we are able to implement a Social and Cultural Literacy and help each other.

Social and Cultural Literacy helps me to identify myself with different groups like, immigrants, Latinos, low income families, etc. Our expectations are to have a better future than our ancestors, not to be discriminated because of our skin color or our language, give our kids the opportunity to have an education, etc. We as immigrants, Latinos, and low-income families share the beliefs that we can obtain a good job, that deserve an opportunity like everybody else and that we are fighting for the same cause of getting