Essay On Adult Development

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In this discussion I’m going to be talking about adult development from when I was age 15-23 and how I rushed my life from being a child to becoming an adult.

When I first turned 15 I was so excited because it was one age closer to being an adult. When I was fifteen I disliked following my parents rules. I had to be in the house by 10pm, eat by 8pm wasn’t allowed to just up and leave as I was pleased. My father wouldn’t let me go to the store by myself and the store was literally next door to our house. I got so furious one day because I couldn’t go to the movies by myself and stated that “I can’t wait until I’m grown” so my mother always told me “no you don’t stay a child as long as you can”. My 16th and 17th birthdays I got even more excited …show more content…

I got so stressed out and over whelmed I had a break down to my parents and told them I don’t like being an adult it’s so hard. My mother said well, you was so in a rush to be grown and didn’t want to follow no one rules so you got what you wanted. You just didn’t know what you putting yourself into I told you to stay a kid as long as you can know it’s too late .My 20th-22th I always wished I would have listened to my parents about trying to grow up so fast. Know I have to manage two jobs and go to school just to make my ends meet. I didn’t have mommy or daddy there to give things to me or buy me things any more. I had to do everything on my own. Know at the age of 23 I’m still trying to find myself on who I want to be what I want to become. I’m still working two jobs and attending to trying to make my ends meet. If I knew back than what I knew know about becoming an adult I would of stayed a kid. Being an adult is not easy especially when you have responsibilities. I’ve also notice that there’s a big difference between being a child and an adult. A child have no worries about the life that’s going on around them all they have to do is go to school and play. But, an adult have to worry