Essay On Affirmative Action Programs

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Besides just having economical programs in place, affirmative action programs are in different social institutions because they are intended to address the missing representation of the population due to previous discrimination against those groups. There have been studies done with evidence showing that “color-blind racism permeates American social institutions, especially in two arenas: professional education and sports.” (Bonilla-Silva and Dietrich, 2011, p196). It is important to note that both affirmative action programs and color-blindness have roles in an institution because it allows for understanding of the implications in addressing inequalities. Yet, educational institutions still have a “significant power to maintain racial hierarchies …show more content…

They argue that affirmative action is detrimental to their group in that this programs “reinforces the perceptions that minority groups are inferior” and require assistance to help level them onto the same playing field as the majority (Maio and Esses, 1998, p65). There has been encounters on university campuses where minority groups are disqualified through statements that says they only got accepted because of affirmative action programs and not their merits. This leads to another part of their argument about implementing affirmative action programs because the society values the achievement ideology where you pull yourself up by your bootstraps without any assistance. The achievement ideology can be argued to support color-blind racism because it is believed that everyone has an equal opportunity to get to the same position if they work hard. Yet, there are still more factors than just hard work that contributes to success. It’s important to understand the background and circumstances that individuals come from. Thus, affirmative action programs are doing nothing to address the inequalities and injustice that people of color are still