Essay On African American Community

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There are many minority groups in the United States of America. Some of these include American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian American, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander. The African American community may be different from ours but can somewhat be the same. Health wise the African American minority and the national average group are about the same. The rate of drug use, alcohol use, and binge drinking are approximately the same. However, the rate of mental disorder is quite low. On the other hand, the rate of deaths caused by the disease is higher. The African American minority’s rate of drug use is 2.2% percent more than the national average, which stands at 12.4 for the African Americans and 10.2 for the national average. Binge drinking stands better with the African American community with a 21.6% which can be compared …show more content…

I believe that primary prevention is the best. In the African community, a disease is very common. The best thing to do is to help before it begins. If we wait for it does begin they will have a lower chance of survival, according to their rate of death. We have to educate them about what is going on and how to help or stop the disease. Like I said before their rate of death caused by the disease is very high. Therefore, the faster we help them, the more lives we will save. Secondary prevention tries to intervene and hopefully put an end to the disease before it fully develops. If this method is used, we can possibly eradicate the disease with the information acquired from the knowledge of it. Tertiary prevention is the most taxing on the health care system due to the substantial costs of surgery and lifelong management of chronic disease through medication and rehabilitation. With this method we can possible figure out how to nullify the effects of the disease on person. (Banks