
Essay On African Americans In The Workplace

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Everything is about perception. The society we live in today perceives African Americans as having low social or economic status making us unable to move in class. The United States has an unconventional past with African Americans and although progress has been made there are still many inequities that are present throughout our society. African Americans have been put at a disadvantage in school and the workplace which has prevented the ability to succeed with stability. It is imperative that we as a nation work together to create an inclusive society to finally uphold the constitution and make the statement “all men are created equal,” to be true. Black families own only one-seventh of the wealth of white households, a gap averaging over $600,000 per family. (Steven Brown) This dissertation has made itself evident in education and …show more content…

Like myself, there are many students who are a first-generation college student whose parents were unable to prepare them for their next level of education. In order for schools to play their part, they need to begin implementing high expectations for all of their students and providing the materials and support for all students to achieve their goals. Many inner city schools lack the resources other schools have. This forces inner-city schools to decide who their “brightest” students are, only allocating test preparation to those designated students. To inflict a change, there needs to be support put in place to prepare all students for standardized testing. If schools had the necessary resources they would be able to provide test preparation materials and tutors to all students. Although standardized testing has been a very efficient way of statistical comparisons for students across America, it capitalizes on the disparities within our country which create differences in performance, to begin

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