
Essay On American Culture

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Values are constrained by the outlook on life and the worldview. One's values are gradually formed from birth, under the influence of family and society. The main factors that affect families and society are culture and religion. The values directly determine a person's behaviour and attitude.
Western culture is characterized by individuality, emphasizing personal interests, paying attention to independence, and advocating individualism. Leaders will give employees a great deal of freedom and allow them enough room to use their talents. This is a new way of working. Many Americans believe that creativity may change the world. In China, most of the tasks are assigned by superiors. The employees are only responsible for the completion, not the opportunity to innovate. Americans are often self-reliant. For example, many parents pay their children for them to do housework. When they are still very young, they will find a job and leave their parents or their hometown after they become adults. Therefore, they are particularly independent in their work. They will think independently and complete one goal. Some people in China work through their parents or other personal relationships. At work, Americans respect each other and are equal, and there is no …show more content…

Firstly, take into consideration the role of relationships in making business transactions. In the case of America, they are opposed to developing a strong relationship with a client. The importance of the transaction takes the centre stage in business dealings. In the case of China, they place a huge deal of importance on getting to know the client first before making any business transaction (Ye & Robert Jr., 2017). Thus, the aspect of developing trust between the different parties in business transactions is very important in the Chinese culture as compared to the American

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