Essay On American Exceptionalism

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The debate of America’s Exceptionalism has been occurring for a long period of time. Many people may argue that the United States is better and more successful country because of our freedoms, but others may argue that the U.S. is an egotistical country that abuses its influence on other countries. Undoubtedly, America offers a plethora of opportunities and a lot of hope for people searching for a new life, but freedoms such as these often come with a price. The U.S. has high taxes and even flaws in the political system that is supposed to keep us running. There are good and bad prospects when it comes to America’s exceptionalism, but when it comes down to it, America is exceptional. America is exceptional because of the possibilities for one to accomplish their desires and new opportunities allowed by our constitution, …show more content…

There have been many things accomplished by the United States since its founding, but it’s not only accomplishments that are what makes it exceptional. America is exceptional because all of the people of this nation are equal. We have equal freedoms and are able to do almost whatever we’d like within the construct of the law. America is very liberally-minded, and there is nothing that can’t be accomplished by the people in America. Other countries have distinct classes and birth determines what you can and can’t do. In America you are able to work your way up to success based on your efforts in your career. Anything is possible and one is not limited from accomplishing anything. What makes America exceptional is not because it is better than every other person in other countries. America are exceptional because our ideals, as contained in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, are