Movie Gladiator

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Perhaps it would suffice to say that our ancestors hated boredom.

We may still have our share of crazy and extreme sports in the present times, but you’d be surprised to know that the people of the yesteryears had it even crazier. Every so often, you will find yourself asking, “What in the world were these ancient people thinking, if they were thinking at all?!” While most athletes don’t necessarily risk their lives to play soccer or football as we know them now, those sports (along with many others) find their roots in those ancient times. This is the list of the 20 Most Intense Sports of the Ancient World.

1. Venatio – Ever seen the movie Gladiator? This is what it looks like, except you’ll be fighting starved lions and bears for your life without any weapon whatsoever. It’s kind of hard to say which one had …show more content…

Jousting – While it does not bear the same gore and bloodshed as the other ones mentioned in this 20 Most Intense Sports of the Ancient World list, it can still be considered hardcore because really, who would even think of knocking down your opponent off a horse using a ten-foot pole? Only our ancestors from Medieval England, that’s who. Injuries and death were not uncommon, but completely smashed armors are even more plenty.

8. Mesoamerican Ball Game or Ulama – Never heard of this sport before? Perhaps the strangest of them all, this game is just like basketball and volleyball, except that the “ball” has to be bounced on the players’ hips in attempt to get it through a hoop on a wall. The catch? The “balls” are often made out of human skulls. Wondering where the skulls come from? You may want to stick around until the end of the game to find out the answer.

9. Nguni Stick Fighting – This bizarre sport is still practiced today, with participants from Zulu beating each other out with sapling branches. More of a child’s game than a sport, it entails endless whacking until someone gives up or accidentally dies. Yes, injuries and death aren’t