Essay On Animal Testing

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“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” (Mahatma Gandhi). Each year about 100 million innocent animals are killed worldwide just to enhance the quality of our lifestyle in areas like cosmetics, educational fields and curing diseases. Animal experimentation dates back to “the early Greek physician-scientists, such as Aristotle, (384 – 322 BC) and Erasistratus, (304 – 258 BC), who performed experiments on living animals because of their similar traits to humans for the sake of progressing on the understanding of our own anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pharmacology” according to Raehel Hajar from the article Animal Testing and Medicine. Some might say, that the use of animals in experiments are often not effective because animals and humans might carry similar traits but they do not carry “major types of diseases that humans would get, such as heart disease, many types of cancer, HIV, Parkinson’s disease, or schizophrenia” (Cruelty Free International). …show more content…

This depicts how animals are tortured and put in misery during tests. Moreover, many animals are immobilized in order to cut a specific part of their body though most researchers use it on their whole body to run tests. These animals are put in crowded cages with minimum sunlight and are barely fed, causing them to become stressed and show physical symptoms. For example, “in 2009 an undercover lab investigation revealed monkeys frantically spinning around repetitively in their cages, biting open wounds, mutilating themselves, and ripping out their own hair, all because of the chronic psychological distress they had to endure”

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