Animal Testing Subject Essay

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Animals Not a Test Subject About 50-100 million vertebrate animals are used in tests annually the recent research said. Scientist use animals such as; monkeys, rabbets, mice, cats and others for research. Scientist do those tests and research for couple of reasons like medical reasons and biological studies. Some people may claim that studies and researches should using animals as tests subject to look of the effects of medicines before people. However, animals are not test subject because animals lose their life by these tests and animals suffer a lot in these experiments. One main reason for this argument is that animals lose their life by these tests. Because of using animals as a subject for scientists tests animals cannot survive from death. People should not kill animals because their research. They are also souls like human they deserve to live. If scientists always make their research on them …show more content…

These poor animals cannot takes their rights form people. Also animals in nature cannot speak or communicate with people and cannot avoid human for their abuse. It is unfair to use these creatures and they cannot say no or fight to survive and live normally. Also it is not fair to lets them suffering from pains and injections. Animals in the lab cannot feel free and cannot move in the cold cages. Some scientist use those animals for heinous and bad purposes such as some of scientist use them to make weapons worthy like chemical weapons and biological weapons. Most of those weapons used for wars to lead diseases and pollution. This is the mean of injustice because of that horrible purposes animals suffering. Some damage opposite possible damage. The damage done to people beings by not testing on creatures is unknown, while the damage do to animals if they are experimented on is certain. Jeremy Bentham states that animals in research place live overwrought and feel