Arguments Against Animal Testing On Animals

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My opponent says....Testing animals can help cure illnesses and diseases

But we disagree…a lot of animals are different than us and dont have the same functions or organs.

Because… some of the animals they use don't have have the same organs and function so when we start to use it on humans our bodies might react differently than the animals.

Therefore…animal testing isn't productive.

2.) My opponent says… that, because mice are so much like humans they are a good example for research.

But we disagree… if you want a good example for research get human volunteers.

Because…according to the U.S. Food and Drug administration “9 out of 10 drugs that pass animal tests fail in humans.” which means that they are not a productive …show more content…

Because… according to University Wire more than 100 million animals are tortured due to experimentation practices, including rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats and mice. These experiments include forcing them to eat thing, expose them to radiation, stressful situations, and sometimes getting rid of organs.

Therefore…testing on animals is painful, and careless to them.

4.) My opponent says....animals are not humans, and are good for research

But we disagree… animals are extremely similar to us, that's why people experiment on them. They also feel pain and hunger.

Because…according to Animal Rights by Patience Coster,”The principle of animal rights is that the basic need of animal-the right to life, to freedom from suffering and from captivity- should be given the same consideration as humans. Meaning just like human, animals should also have rights, just like us. Put them in your situation, imagine you just were living your life, then one day someone took you from your home and family, then made you suffer until you died. That doesn't sound very fun to me, and i'm pretty sure you wouldn’t want it to happen to

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