Essay On Antidepressant Medication And Suicide

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What should be done about antidepressant medications and it’s relation to suicide? In recent years there have been increasing rates of suicidal thoughts and behavior among children and adolescents. Why this is so serious is because of the use of “selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) among the age group ten to nineteen has drastically increased” according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Those who are in these groups who suffer from “Major depressive disorder (MDD)” can be treated with antidepressants. The only problem with this is that recent studies that have been done by the FDA and National Institute of Mental Health have concluded that these antidepressant medications have increased suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Results that have come forward from researchers who have been trying to find a correlation between antidepressants and …show more content…

The primary people who are going to notice are really only parents, family members, and the person who is on the antidepressants. As an example, I am on a medication that helps to keep me calm and quiet. I used to find myself in depressed like state because of the medication, which in a sense would make me feel like I’ve shut down and I am just going through life on a repeated schedule with no change. It would also make me have depressing thoughts sometimes. I have also seen people who I know get put on antidepressants and I have noticed that their mood has changed from what they used to be like. Their moods also change dramatically if they have abruptly stopped taking the antidepressants they’re on which can cause them to have withdrawal symptoms and relapse. This issue needs to be taken very seriously. Those who are suffering from depression and who take antidepressants could to feel depression like symptoms. These people need all the help they can get because that is what makes a difference in their