Health Disparities In The United States

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Some areas in the United States face higher rates of crime and drug abuse. This contributes to the prevalence of health disparities within different communities. In order to eliminate or decrease the distinct difference between areas that are at higher health risks than others one must begin to understand why they exist. Some areas have higher drug abuse rates than others due to factors such as poor education, poverty, unemployment rates, and lack of community involvement. These things play a major role in whether or not a young adult is going to start the use of drugs or drinking alcohol. In areas that have a higher socioeconomic status these things are less prevalent and therefore have a lower rate of substance abuse. If a child is receiving …show more content…

The increase in antidepressants can be attributed to the increase of Americans who suffer from chronic stress. Many people today struggle in more than one aspect of their lives. The workplace, family, bills, health, and other factors can play a major role in inducing stress. These conditions can caused someone to feel defeated and ultimately affecting health, leading them to antidepressants. The increase of reflux medications is due to the increase of poor diets in America. Many Americans struggle with having the time, money, or resources to make an adequate meal. Fast food is usually the majorities solution to a quick and cheap way to feed their families. This bad habit can lead to numerous amounts of health problems, a few being, obesity, diabetes, fatigue, depression, high blood pressure, and headaches. Which can also gateway into the abuse or increased use of antidepressants. Many people suffering from these problems become dependent on reflux medication in order to suppress the negative side effects of an unhealthy diet. Antibiotics are also one of the fastest increasingly used prescription drugs because many people live a stressed, unhealthy lifestyle. The highest prescribed drug in many areas is antibiotics. This can be expected due to seasonal illnesses, chronic sickness, and poor health and living conditions. Many people become dependent on …show more content…

Many in favor of legalization would state that marijuana has minimal health risks, is not addictive, can treat many major illnesses. One interesting statistics suggests that the legalization of medical marijuana actually lowers the abuse or experimentation of marijuana use in youth. Also, legalization of marijuana in all states suggests an overall decline in crime rates. One can assume that legalization would provide necessary medical treatments for those who need it, less abuse of marijuana use, and a lower crime rate involving drugs. It has been said that marijuana is safer than many other drugs that are already legalized, and marijuana has never killed anyone from an overdose. More than half of Americans are in favor of marijuana legalization, and it has already been made legal in some states. It is a good idea to legalize medical marijuana. The other side of medical marijuana legalization is that it is detrimental to youth and users. Less than half of Americans believe that the use of medical marijuana is not beneficial medically. Many people believe that marijuana is a gateway drug and that the medical use will be abused and that people will become addicted to marijuana. Often times, people against legalization see the legalization as a way to lower the standard of drug use in America. If marijuana is legalized some assume that it will lead to the legalization of other drugs. Another reason why marijuana should not be