Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Throughout recent history, there has been a huge debate on whether marijuana should or should not be legalized. Marijuana currently uses police force and taxpayer money to control. Although it is argued that marijuana is not directly harmful, it can lead to dangerous situations such as car crashes. Marijuana, a drug currently illegal in most U.S states, should not be legalized because it can have unsafe consequences. Over the past few decades, there has been evidence linked to benefits of legalizing marijuana. Some argue that marijuana is a waste of taxpayer money. They believe that it isn’t necessary to control the use of marijuana and controlling it only waste taxes that could be going to causes that they do believe in, such as prosecuting much larger criminals. People also believe that if marijuana was legalized the police force would also no longer be wasted on …show more content…

Currently, less that ½ % of people in prison are there for marijuana use. This proves that there actually is not a large amount of people who taxpayers are paying for the arrest, prosecution, and imprisonment of do to marijuana use. The tax benefits are clearly less than the consequences of marijuana use. As a point of reference, the alcohol industry currently makes 14.5 billion off taxes, but cost the US $185 billion a year. This shows that the Alcohol industry cost $170.5 billion that isn’t covered by taxpayer money. Legalizing Marijuana will also increase drug impaired driving, making the roads unsafe for everyone. A study showed that 26.9% of drivers in the level-1 shock trauma center tested positive for marijuana. It also must be remembered that when a driver is intoxicated on the road, not only the user is in danger, but everyone on the road is at risk. Ultimately, it is evident that there are consequences of legalising marijuana, specifically in the sense of finance and