Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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In October of 2016, my great aunt Gloria was diagnosed with lung and kidney cancer. A month later, she passed and left four children, nine grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren behind. If medical marijuana wasn't so difficult to obtain, her death may have been prevented. Marijuana is a plant that is illegal in many states in all uses, but in twenty eight states medical marijuana is legal. It is still very difficult to obtain for medical purposes. Legalizing marijuana would have many positive effects on society. First of all, marijuana should be legalized because the government could tax it. If the government taxed it, state governments and the national government would have more money for better roads, more police officers, and higher pay for government officials. There would be more money for schools, which means …show more content…

As of right now, in New York, less than 0.5% that need the medical marijuana are approved for it. It is very long and staggering process to obtain a license to use the marijuana legally. In 32 states, marijuana is fully illegal, even medical marijuana. Many people die because they can’t get the needed substance that is marijuana. Most importantly, marijuana should be legalized because it would help treat many mental diseases (Smoker). Marijuana can calm the mood swings from bipolar depression (Smoker). It can also lower the severity and lower the amount of episodes of depression (Smoker). It is also a desirable alternative to addictive drugs that treat insomnia Smoker). It relaxes users and calms anxiety. Although people could abuse it, laws can be set for how much you can buy. 20 grams per month can be bought for recreational use. There could be a database with the users name and how much they've bought in the current month. There is also no roll-overs. It is impossible overdose on marijuana in any form. It also cannot hurt you in any way, shape, or