If the current laws of use and possession of marijuana on a federal level is illegal, does is mean that it’s not beneficial to our society in the United States? State and federal perspectives are completely different, depending on which state you consider to call home. According to federal prosecutors marijuana is considered a Schedule I substance, which is likely to become dependent upon and illegal for medical usage. Although Obama has spoken to Federal Prosecutors in regards to legalizing marijuana for medical use, federals announce that they remain their policy, which is to remain marijuana as illegal. The most beneficial way that I believe marijuana is good for society is the usage for medical purposes. This drug can be very depended on …show more content…
Twenty three states allow their citizens to obtain a marijuana card for their medical reasons. In these twenty three states it would affect society in a positive way. If a cancer patient in the state of California, that person is able to use marijuana as medical treatment, it helps promote healthy blood cells, reduces pain, and relaxes the body. I personally believe marijuana should only be used as a benefit for those that need it, not want it. I have known a few people that used marijuana for a few different reasons; my grandfather had glaucoma, as he grew older during his 70’s he started to lose his vision. The doctor finally came to the conclusion that marijuana would be the best way to reduce the ocular pressure to prevent blindness. Although it was our last resort with options, the end result was unbelievable; we should have opted for marijuana for medical usage from the very beginning. My grandfather was able to see better after a week; the ocular pressure lowered more than his prescription did. The marijuana prescription was taken orally, not inhalation, so it was simply a small pill that did not disturb anyone else. To make my story short, if it wasn’t for the legalization of prescribing marijuana to my grandfather he would more than likely be blind until his dying days. Fortunately living in California we are able to have access to marijuana if needed. There are states that do not allow …show more content…
The prohibition of the 1920’s resulted to failure in the United States. During this time it was prohibited because it was known to be a dangerous substance and it resulted to crimes. Since the alcohol was illegal, there were mobs involved in the alcohol organized crimes, and the products were being illegally exported into America. The purpose of the prohibition was to reduce crimes and corruption and to increase health in America and most importantly, to decrease alcohol consumption. Ironically, the prohibition increased alcohol consumption, increased crimes; increased corruptions, prisons were maxed out, and decreased tax revenue. The prohibition is used in debates when comparing to the war over drugs. With marijuana being illegal, it results to the drug being more potent. It results to being more potent because it’s not regulated and any person is able to grow it. Marijuana is brought into the United States from Mexico, and is distributed here in America. The marijuana that is not regulated can be laced with more harmful substances, which can result to death. This is exactly what happened to alcohol when it was illegal; this is something we should learn from history. Alcohol consumption before the prohibition was 50 percent of people consumed beer (low alcohol levels), after the prohibition it dropped to 10 percent. Therefore, more potent liquor increased quite significantly,