Why Shouldn T Marijuana Be Legalized Essay

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Most people say marijuana is bad just because it's illegal but they don’t know the all of the positives to it. Marijuana has gotten stronger throughout the years. “My ultimate objective is to get this plant into the hands of every single human being on the planet who needs it — and in my view that’s everybody,” said Steve DeAngelo (New York Times). Marijuana is going be a huge factor for turning the United States economy around. Marijuana became illegal in 1937 known as ‘The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937.’ One reason that marijuana became illegal was how if a degenerate spanish speaking resident would smoke a marijuana cigarette. (a joint) Most of the population was spanish speaking people who already have low mentality due to the conditions of society and race before smoking. Another reasoning that made marijuana illegal was how a boy a girl smoked marijuana and lost control of their sinces and got married. Overall the people who passed this law thought that smoking marijuana would lead the people to becoming weak (Schaffer Library of Drug Policy). …show more content…

At Harvard Medical School a group of researchers noticed that people with anxiety who smoke marijuana has benefits that may be from reduced anxiety. A chemical found in marijuana CBD (cannabidiol) may prevent cancer from spreading. CBD turns off the gene Id-1, during a study they found there were high amounts of Id-1 found in breast cancer after being treated with cannabidiol the amount of Id-1 decreased. Marijuana can also treat people with glaucoma, glaucoma creates pressure in the eyeball but when smoking marijuana it starts releasing the pressure in the eye (Business