Essay On Why Marijuana Should Not Be Legalized

530 Words3 Pages

Marijuana is a plant that is a drug, it can be smoked out of pipes, blunts, and bongs and it can also be eaten, mixed in with brownies, cookies, or other food of your choice. Marijuana can be called dope, herb pot, cannabis, weed etc. It has been legalized in 23 states and the district of Columbia, though it has been legalized, it hasn’t in all 50 states. People debate whether or not it should be legalized or not for a variety of different reasons, but I believe that it should not be legalized for the following reasons, it is highly addictive, if it is legalized, more people will use (even teenagers), and weed can lead to much worse drugs.

Marijuana is highly addictive, although cannabis may have some medical uses in strictly controlled circumstances, smoking it or eating it is simply not good for you. Marijuana is called dope for a reason, it makes you stupid. As well as being bad for your brain, it’s bad for your lungs, bad for your heart and a terrible risk if you plan to do anything like drive or operate machinery. Weed smokers also run higher …show more content…

When a teenager smokes weed or does any kind of drug, their body is more susceptible to addiction due to the fact that their minds and body are still growing and developing, and if a drug interferes with this, then they won't develop properly and to their full potential. Research in New Zealand found regular cannabis users were 60 times more likely to try other illicit drugs than young people who had never smoked cannabis. Addiction experts regard weed as a gateway drug that potentially introduces users to more serious substance abuse. Legalising marijuana is not only bad for adults, it is even worse for teenagers for said reasons, and if it is legalised in all 50 states, this substance abuse would sky