Essay On Marijuana Legalization

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Over 94 million people in the United States alone admitted to using Marijuana at least one time (Marijuana Statistics, 2010). This is almost one-third of the current population. Issues with memory and learning, decreased fertility and increased in mental illness are a few of the long-term affects of Marijuana. (Can you overdose on Marijuana?, 2013). If you are risking the chance of losing your mind and have less of a chance to have kids. Why would you want to smoke marijuana? Think of all the side efforts, is it worth risking this for marijuana? Should marijuana be legalized? “Marijuana during pregnancy can increase a child’s risk of having cognitive deficits or psychiatric disorders” (Marijuana use during pregnancy). Is it fair your child will suffer from your decision to smoke illegal marijuana? The child above is the result of a marijuana smoking mother. According to Medical Observer marijuana doubles the risk of preterm birth if smoked before or during a Marijuana legalization 3 pregnancy (Medical Observer, 2010 ). This child suffered because the choices his own mother made. If marijuana is legalized it is going to be some much easier for mothers to access; then unfortunately we will have more babies like the above. It is heartbreaking …show more content…

By legalizing marijuana this is giving more people the chance to use marijuana and later invest in harder drugs such as heroin, cocaine, etc.. We are giving Americans the chance to do more serious drugs if we legalize marijuana. “Marijuana smoke contains 50% to 70% more cancer-causing substances than tobacco smoke” (Medical Statistics, 2010). This means you would have to smoke 5 cigarettes right after one another to equal the substances in one marijuana