
Should Recreational Marijuana Be Legalized Essay

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Recreational marijuana should it be legalized or outlawed, that's what many states are asking, and some are leaning towards legalizing recreational marijuana. As colorado and washington where the first states to legalize the use of recreational marijuana many more states are jumping onto the bandwagon and pushing for the legalization of recreational marijuana. Users of the drug are jumping in excitement for the legalization of recreational marijuana, while some others against the legalization are fighting to keep recreational marijuana outlawed. There are also those who are not users of the drug but still agree with legalizing marijuana as they predict it will better the economy, and will improve our society. Recreational marijuana thought of to be not dangerous and deemed as necessary, when in reality recreational marijuana is a stimulant, depressant, and hallucinogen drug that harms one's body, puts …show more content…

Just like cigarettes 2nd hand weed smoking will be an enormous issue if recreational marijuana is legalized not only does it cause lung damage like 2nd hand smoke in tobacco it also causes THC to be put into one's body simply by just breathing near a person smoking recreational marijuana. A study done by johns hopkins researchers states, “detectable amounts of THC—tetrahydrocannabinol, pot's active ingredient—showed up in their blood and urine samples” (hub.edu). Without wanting too these non users of the drug will have THC in their blood endangering their health. In some cases the THC inhaled from 2nd hand smoking is great enough to fail a drug test. As a consequence to the legalization of recreational marijuana anyone's health is at risk due to the smoke of recreational marijuana and the risk of 2nd hand smoking thus supporting keeping recreational marijuana

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