Should Medical Cannabis Be Legal Essay

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Why should Medical Cannabis be legal? Cannabis, a psychoactive drug is intended to be used for medical or recreational use. People all around the world argue whether or not to legalize cannabis for medical uses. People all around the world argue whether or not to legalizing cannabis for medical uses. However, legalizing cannabis will not only help many lives, it will make this country a lot better and can lower crime
To begin with, Medical cannabis can prevent pain in a person’s live. For example,'' According to the NASEM report, studies show that both inhaled marijuana (vaporized or smoked) and cannabinoid compounds that come from the …show more content…

Many people say that people who use marijuana are likely to use more harder drugs so why legalize it. Marijuana is not a drug people get easily addicted on and legalizing this herd will lower crime rates. For example, 'advocates for legalization argue it will undercut the black market, which is associated with criminals and violent elements. Crime may fall as police resources are reallocated to other pressing issues, they argue. Researchers have found, moreover, that some people substitute marijuana for alcohol, which means they drink less. And legalization of marijuana may reduce racial disparity in drug arrests. Black men, according to federal data collated by the American Civil Liberties Union and widely cited by scholars, are almost four times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than whites, even though both groups use the drug at roughly the same rate.'' cannabis and crime has been a issue for a very longtime a needs to be stopped because innocent people get arrested for just having small amounts of marijuana and some of these drug charges get ridiculous sentences. You might get 5, 10 or even 20 years in jail for just having a small amount of marijuana. This needs to be stopped and it can be, All you need to do is help legalize medical marijuana or medical use and personal