Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Who should be able to decide what a person does with their body? Over the years much controversy has been brought to light in California on whether or not legalizing marijuana could bring benefits to our state. While on one hand we have people who believe that making marijuana legal would only cause more issues in California, we also have those who believe legalizing marijuana is the next step that California should be taking for beneficial reasons. With all the research done, on this specific topic, it is clear to see that if marijuana were to be legalized in California, like it is in other states, we could start to see a number of improvements take place within our society. With the 2016 election quickly approaching California citizens hope to be able to legalize marijuana for uses other just medicinal. Though this would not be their first time trying to get a bill passed to legalize marijuana, it seems to be their best chance up to date. In 2010, when voting on this bill the first time, 54 percent of the votes were against legalizing marijuana, which unfortunately meant that the bill could not be set into motion. The 2016 year seems to take a twist on the circumstance due to a number of factors that result in the promotion of marijuana use. There are twenty states, with the addition of The District of Columbia, that have allowed the use of …show more content…

Unlike Tobacco and Alcohol, Marijuana is a non-addicting substance. There is a substantial amount of evidence proving that Alcohol is far more dangerous than Marijuana, yet it is still legal here in California for those over the age of 21. Alcohol not only impairs your judgement, but can make someone violent and can eventually kill you if you drink to much. While on the other hand Marijuana makes you mellow, joyful, and hungry, which sounds a lot less harmful than the effects of