Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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As once said by John Walter (the director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy), “Marijuana is a much bigger part of the American addiction problem than most people-teens or adults- realize.” Not only is Marijuana usage a big part of the American addiction problem, it is also illegal in many states. Marijuana has many different terms for it. For example, Marijuana is also commonly known as weed, cannabis, pot, grass, and many other names. The reason why I chose to write about Marijuana for this project is due to how much of a hot topic it has been recently in political debates. I also chose to write about Marijuana due to the fact that is is becoming widely popular in social media, music, and usage in teens. Marijuana usage is becoming the new “cool” thing to do for teens. However, is it really cool to be smoking Marijuana if it has harmful short term and long term effects on you? Marijuana is known to interfere (temporarily) with one’s coordination, short-term memory, problem solving ability, and their vision by impairing it. Since it can …show more content…

1 in 11 users become addicted to Marijuana. Once a person becomes addicted to Marijuana, they become dependent on it, and it can ruin many opportunities for them. A person would have to spend thousands of dollars on Marijuana yearly (which can cause long term or short term financial issues), and it would be difficult to be productive due to their dependency of Marijuana. Also, being as Marijuana is illegal in many states, if the user is using Marijuana in a state in which it is illegal, they can get in trouble with the law. Once one is addicted to Marijuana and decides to quit, there are many issues and conflicts they will have. For example, attempting to quit Marijuana can create relationship conflicts and issues in doing normal daily routines as they are still dependent on the drug, however, they do not have it in their