Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Marijuana

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Cons of Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana has been around for years as a drug, but why is marijuana so addicted to so many people when all it is – is a dried plant that is used for herbs, animal food, and medicine? In many states, marijuana is legalized, but is that considered to be good or bad? There are many points positive and negative upon the drug. Therefore, the information provided will be discussed as to the negativity of legalizing marijuana. First of all, heavy recreational use of marijuna can adversely affect the brains of young people, and typically it is within the pre-adolescents and individuals in their early 20s. The reason it affects the development of the brain structures within such a young age group is because the brain at that age has not became fully developed. Therefore, the marijuana …show more content…

Explore the physiological changes the body can go through when marijuana is used: No matter how marijuana gets into the blood, it automatically affects almost every organ in the body and the nervous system, as well as the immune system too. It can increase the heart rate once absorbed in the blood stream up to three hours after use which is a high risk of potential heart attack. Also, it can increase blood sugar, cause dizziness, shallow breathing, red eyes and/or dilated pupils, dry mouth, and increased appetite. SLO #4. Examine potential physical and/or psychological dependency of marijuana: When someone uses marijuana regularly, it is not unusual for that person to develop a tolerance to it. This means the person must smoke more to achieve the same effects. However, frequent and heavy use of marijuana can lead to physical dependence such as the body needs the marijuana to function normally. For someone to develop a psychological dependence, would mean the person would have to be obsessed with the drug making it the top priority in his or her life. Some people don’t realize they are too dependent on the drug, while others are embarrassed to seek