Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Just Say Yes There are many illnesses in the world today and most of them cannot be cured. These poor, innocent people are dying every day because of a disease that has taken over their body and, eventually, will snatch their whole life away from them. Medical marijuana is an alternative solution that can help cure diseases and deal with the painful side effects. The use of cannabis for medical purposes dates back thousands of years. Marijuana almost became a mainstream medicine in the west until it was outlawed in the early 1900’s. By the 1970’s certain countries started legalizing marijuana for the use of medical purposes. By 1996, California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana despite the federal bans that still remained. …show more content…

The main cause of all these negative side effects would be the THC in the marijuana plant. Smoking marijuana on a daily basis may negatively affect people’s lifestyles. “Marijuana Breaking Down” explains, “Judgment, focus, and memory can suffer for days after use, especially in regular users.” If daily life skills are affected by medical marijuana, it could prevent people from keeping their jobs, or it could make the brain not work properly so a person may not be able to remember information; even after a short period of time. Also, it could affect a person’s social skills and communication with other people, which could make a person very unhappy with their life. Along with having a negative effect on the body, regular marijuana smokers may experience problems with their organs. For example, a marijuana smoker’s heart may not be as strong as a non-smoker’s heart (Graves). Like every other drug, there are always risks while using it. Although, if medical marijuana causes heart problems for regular users, it may be difficult for those who are prescribed to take medical marijuana every day. As a result of smoking marijuana, one’s brain and body may be affected if it is smoked regularly. For these reasons, medical marijuana shouldn’t be overly prescribed or prescribed to adolescents. Usage should be limited to a short- term treatment plan, and patients and doctors should weigh the positives and negatives of using the