Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana, just the word can cause fear and disgust in people. Most of us think of the that young person sitting in his parents basement playing video games all day while getting high, with no intention of ever getting a job. Well that may be true for a few, but for the majority that is not the case. This amazing weed also has the power to help people with cancer treatments, migraines associated with eye pressure and glaucoma and that is just a couple areas. These are just a few reasons why marijuana should be legalized. According to the, National Institute On Drug Abuse marijuana has helped in the treatment of many severe and disabling conditions. “Research suggests that there are conditions for which medical marijuana may be an effective treatment: Cancer - …show more content…

The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that the younger a person starts using marijuana, along with continued heavy use the more increased risk of deficits in cognitive abilities, like memory. But, in adults who started using in their early twenties there did not seem to have that cognitive issue. The other point that needs to be looked at is the amount of the THC (mind-altering chemical delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)) levels, which has been on the rise. The higher the THC level the stronger the effects on the brain. Of course there are also concerns on how marijuana affects the lungs when it is smoked. The marijuana irritates the lungs, causing the person to cough, but there have been no reports of lung cancer, like there is with cigarette smoking. Lane Cole Marijuana has a long history of being associated with negativity. It was first introduced by the Hispanics and they brought it with them for recreational purposes. So, it was associated with illegal immigrates bringing this bad weed and taking American jobs. Then the media advertised it as the drug that made people, especially teenagers, lazy and unmotivated to do anything expect smoke weed all