Medical Marijuana Benefits

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Medical marijuana use has increased in many states due to the beneficial outcomes. I believe that medical marijuana should be available for use to individuals with cancerous symptoms or sicknesses that can be cured or aided by medical marijuana. However, even though there are benefits to medical marijuana, there are also disadvantages. The 1970 Controlled Substances Act classifies marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug. There are many benefits when it comes to the medical use of marijuana. Marijuana can be used to treat glaucoma. It drops the eyes blood pressure, which helps with the treatment of glaucoma. Marijuana also can help regulate epileptic seizures. Not only can it help control epileptic seizures, studies have shown that marijuana is also …show more content…

The chemical that gets individuals high in marijuana, THC, messes with balance, walking and talking. Memory loss is a huge side effect of the use of marijuana. In some cases, marijuana can be used to help with depression, but sometimes, marijuana may even increase the risk of depression. Different strains of marijuana produce different highs. Individuals who smoke the drug sometimes may not know what type of strain they are smoking and may end up with a strain that produces a more psychotic high. Anxiety, fear, distrust or panic is common side effects of a psychotic high. Male smokers tend to have a lower sperm count. If the male started smoking marijuana at a young age, this may affect him and his ability to impregnate a woman in the long run. If an individual has started smoking at a young age, the drug may be considered as a “gateway drug” and may lead to higher schedule drugs. Although many people that start with marijuana do not continue to get into higher schedule drugs, there are individuals that develop a very high tolerance for the drug and start moving on to more serious and higher schedule drugs to get a more intense a. Teenagers that use marijuana are usually too tired or not motivated to do any school work/home work. A chemical in marijuana has the ability to make the user tired. Frequent marijuana smokers often have reports of laryngitis, hoarseness, …show more content…

In my opinion, marijuana should be illegal for recreational use unless you are over the age of 21. Marijuana should not be used by anyone under the age of 21 because the human body is not fully developed before that time. I believe that medical marijuana should be an option for everyone who suffers from a life taking cancer. There are many incredible stories on how cannabis oil or cannabis smoking has saved the individuals life. Therefore, I think that marijuana should not be available for recreational use unless you are over the age of 21, but it should be available for all cancer patients or diseases that could be treated with