
Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Many people have been debating on a certain point; is marijuana actually good for you? In places like Colorado, it is legal to consume weed medically and recreationally. Only decades ago marijuana was an actual medicine, better known as Cannabis, dispensed by pharmacies. How did we get from that to an illegal drug? Marijuana is a medical aid that should be legalized for most people. Marijuana became illegal in 1937, the government was telling people that it had no medicinal value and could be abused. One amazing story includes a little girl, Charlie, in Colorado; her parents wanted nothing to do with weed. She was perfectly healthy until she had a seizure one day. The doctors found nothing after running all the tests. The seizures got worse, and she was finally diagnosed with epilepsy. They tried everything from diet changes to strong drugs like Valium; some medicines almost killed her. Until her father came across a video of a young boy using marijuana, whose seizures lessened. He insisted they try this, but his wife refused.
Charlie’s seizures then worsened to 300 per day; she became catatonic. Doctors wanted to put her on a medicine for epileptic dogs or into a medically induced coma. It takes two doctors to …show more content…

It can obviously cause harm and addiction, so I think that if the world were to legalize marijuana, it should only be able to be prescribed to those who need it. This could prevent a whole generation of kids with damaged brains and lungs. My reaction, however, is not very surprised as I have been to places where weed is legal, so I was not surprised to come across this article. Though, I was amazed to hear stories of people like little Charlie, and how Cannabis helped save or change their lives. For example, one fact that took my breath away is that every 19 minutes in this country there are accidental prescription drug overdoses, but not one has been reported from

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